How to Do Accounting for Your E-Commerce Store

With ecommerce bookkeeping, business owners or a hired bookkeeper keep track of sales, purchases, and payments. Bookkeeping is the way your company notes all costs and income. It’s also a way for you to keep an eye on business spending and profits and have records of these transactions. Ecommerce bookkeeping is the process of recording …

Alcohol and the Immune System Editor’s Note Alcohol Research: Current Reviews

The change in emotions a person experiences between intoxicated and being sober can also motivate drinkers to drink more frequently, Koob explains. Still, the evidence is more robust for considering how much you’re drinking, rather than what you’re drinking. Experts suggest sticking to serving sizes and reflecting why you want that drink in the …

How Much Should I Charge for Bookkeeping Services? Averages

Finding the pricing sweet spot for your location involves balancing covering your business expenses and remaining attractive to your target clientele. Understanding and catering to these industry-specific complexities allows you to justify a higher price for your specialized knowledge and the value you bring to the client. Your pricing determines your firm’s success, and figuring …